Shadowrun Wiki

Overview[ | ]

Regions are invisible zones that can be designated for multiple purposes. There are four types of Regions, each with their own unique properties.

Anatomy of a Region[ | ]

Regions are made up of two parts, the Anchor and Adjuster. While the Anchor stays the same, the Adjuster Icon changes based upon what type of Region it is. It should also be noted that regions are color coded by type.

(Insert Table of Region Type, Icon, Color)

Normal Regions[ | ]

Your Normal Region doesn't have anything too special about itself. On its own it's nothing more than a marked zone in the editor with a name and position. When combined with Triggers, you can use these zones to create various effects. The following are properties available to all Regions.

Region Name[ | ]

This property sets the Regions Name. The Regions Name is how you will access this Region when working with Triggers in the Scene Data view or tracking the Region in the Scene Contents view. Once created, it will appear as an option in in the appropriate Triggers under Existing Regions.

Region Type[ | ]

This property sets the Region Type. This will dictate the other properties and intended use of the Region. The options consist of Normal, Camera, VFX Fill, and Teleporter.

Enabled At Start[ | ]

This property sets if the Region is enabled at the start of the scene. Triggers can be used to alter this value if you don't want a region to be enabled by default.

Visible at Start[ | ]

This property sets if the Region is visible in game. If True, the region will be highlight the tiles is covers in its Highlight Color.

Is Holding Closet Camera Region[ | ]

Property is used for "Holding Closets" for off screen actors. Removes movement tiles from the region to save memory.

Highlight Color[ | ]

This property sets the Highlight Color of the Region. This will only appear if the Visible at Start property is True.

Anchor Position[ | ]

This property sets the origin of the Region. This value can be modified by the X,Y, and Z values to set the origin. The property will update itself when it is moved within the Scene.

Region Size[ | ]

This property sets the size of the Region in relation to the Anchor Position. For example a size of (2.0, 0, 2.0) will create a region that is the size of a 2x2 tile.

Is Matrix Node[ | ]

When set true, these regions communicate actor location information to IC in a way that gumbo scripts can use. It does not affect persona behavior or Trace (these are set by the Dimension property under Scene Properties).

Camera Regions[ | ]

A Camera Region has various effects on the players view. Without a Camera Region specified, the editor assumes a large bounding box that contains the whole scene. In this case, the Properties of the Camera Region are set to their defaults. The following are properties specific to Camera Regions.

Ambient Light Color[ | ]

The property is used to adjust the color of the Ambient Light found in a Region. Its color can be adjusted by modifying the R,G, B, and A values or selecting a color from the Color Palette The Color Palette can be accessed by selecting the property and clicking the (Insert Browse Icon).

Directional Light Color[ | ]

The property is used to adjust the color of the Directional Light in a Region. Its color can be adjusted by modifying the R,G, B, and A values or selecting a color from the Color Palette The Color Palette can be accessed by selecting the property and clicking the (Insert Browse Icon).

Light Direction[ | ]

The property is used to adjust the direction that the Direction Light is going in a Region. The direction is adjusted by modifying the X, Y, and Z values.

Music Properties[ | ]

New to the Camera Regions in Hong Kong, we've got quite a few ways to customize the sounds that will be played throughout scenes.

Property Definition
Ambient Audio Sets the Ambient Audio for this Region.
Default Music Sets the Default Music for this Region.
Loop Default Music Sets if the Default Music will loop
Base Combat Music Sets the Combat Music for this Region
Loop Combat Music Sets if the Combat Music will loop
Intense Combat Music Sets the Intense Combat Music for this Region
Loop Intense Combat Music Sets if the Intense Combat will loop
Wrapup Combat Music Sets the Wrapup Combat Music for this Region
Loop Wrapup Combat Music Sets if the Wrapup Combat Music will loop
Combat Intro Stinger Sets an intro sound for combat
Combat Outro Stinger Sets an outro sound for combat
Music Fade Interval Sets fade time between tracks
Combat Intense Threshold Sets how many enemies are required to play Intense Combat Music
Combat Wrapup Threshold Sets how many enemies are required to play Wrapup Combat Music

No FoW In Region[ | ]

This property removes the black fog of war from the region. This means the region will appear as though the player had completely explored it. However, actors will not be visible if they are not in the players normal vision.

Teleporter Regions[ | ]

A Teleporter Region is used to teleport an Actor from one region to another. Sound and Visual Effects can be applied to these Regions to spice things up.

Property Definition
Destination Region Sets the Destination Region of this Teleporter Region
Teleport PC Only Sets if NPCs can use this Teleporter Region
Teleport Facing Sets the direction an Actor is facing after being teleported
Teleport Sound Effect Sets the sound effect that will play when teleporting
Teleport Volume Sets the sound level of the Sound Effect
Teleport Source FX Sets a VFX to appear at the Source of the teleporter
Teleport Destination FX Sets a VFX to appear at the Destination of the teleporter

VFX Regions[ | ]

These regions allow a VFX to play below all of the tiles in the editor. VFX Regions can be used to play some cool water effects for coastal locations.

Working FX Scripts

Tutorials[ | ]

Goals, Triggers, and Regions - Covers the basics of setting up Region interaction

Lighting - Covers Lighting using Camera Regions

Teleporting - Basics of setting up a teleporter
