Shadowrun Wiki

This page lists all the cyberdecks and programs available in Shadowrun Returns.


Name Description Decking Programs ESPs Evasion IP AP
Sony CTY-360 The first deck made for shadowrunners. Simple, street ready and nearly indestructible. 1 3 1 0 150 2
Renraku Kraftwerk-1 Renraku's best deck and easily modified for the streets. 3 4 2 2 175 3
Fuchi VirtuaX Fuchi created the VirtuaX for employees. Now deckers love to use it against them. 5 5 2 3 200 3
Fairlight Excalibur The deck that every decker dreams about. It's the Holy Grail of cyberdecks. 7 6 3 5 225 4

Expert System Programs


Shadowrun Returns Decks & Programs