Shadowrun Wiki

When Statements[ | ]

Statement Definition
On Actor Alive The trigger will be evaluated when an Actor spawns
On Actor Awareness of Another Actor The trigger will be evaluated when one Actor gains awareness of another Actor
On Actor Clicked Fires when an Actor is clicked on
On Actor Damage The trigger will be evaluated when an actor takes damage
On Actor Death The trigger will be evaluated when one Actor kills another
On Actor Downed The trigger will be evaluated when one Actor incapacitates another
On Actor End Turn+ The trigger will be evaluated when an Actor ends their Turn.
On Actor Movement Finished+ The trigger will be evaluated when an Actor finishes a movement action
On Actor Revived The trigger will be evaluated when an Actor is revived
On Actor Start Turn+ The trigger will be evaluated when an Actor starts their Turn
On Actor Teleport The trigger will be evaluated when an Actor is teleported
On AI New Target The trigger will be evaluated when an AI NPC acquires a new target
On AI Red Alert The trigger will be evaluated when an AI NPC goes into high alert
On AI Threat Evaluation The trigger will be evaluated when an AI NPC evaluates an Actor as the specified threat type
On Alarm Activated The trigger will be evaluated when the Alarm is activated
On Camera Fade In The trigger will be evaluated when a camera fade in completes
On Camera Fade Out The trigger will be evaluated when a camera fade out completes
On Camera Region Activated The trigger will be evaluated when this Region becomes active
On Character Creation Confirmed The trigger will be evaluated when a successful player is created and the Confirm button is pressed
On Combat Entered The trigger will be evaluated when any team has visible enemy threats
On Combat Exited The trigger will be evaluated when all teams has no visible enemy threats
On Conversation Complete The trigger will be evaluated when a conversation dialog completes
On Curtains Up The trigger will be evaluated when the initial fade in completes
On Dimension Heat Threshold The trigger will be evaluated when the Heat Threshold for the given Scene Dimension is reached
On Equip Confirmed The trigger will be evaluated when the Confirm button is pressed
On Freemove Mode Enter The trigger will be evaluated when the game enters freemove mode
On Goal Update The trigger will be evaluated when the status of a Scene Goal changes
On Host Jacked Out Fires when an Actor Jacks out of the Matrix
On Item Interaction The trigger will be evaluated when an object is interacted with
On Item Pickup The trigger will be evaluated when an item is picked up
On Item Used The trigger will be evaluated when an item is used
On Map Setup Trigger will fire when the map is first initialized. Before selecting Continue *
On Map Start Trigger will fire when the map has loaded. After selecting Continue
On New Round Fire after all the actors have had a turn and a new Battle Round begins
On Region Enter+ The trigger will be evaluated when an Actor enters a Region
On Region Exit+ The trigger will be evaluated when an Actor leaves a Region
On Roster Confirmed The trigger will be evaluated when all hiring conditions are met and the Confirm button is pressed
On Store Screen Closed The trigger will be evaluated when a store screen is closed
On Team Detain Enter The trigger will be evaluated when a single teams has all actors detained
On Team Detain Exit The trigger will be evaluated when a single teams has no actors detained
On Turn Mode Enter The trigger will be evaluated when the game enters Turn-based mode

+ - Triggers with this indicator will evaluate often, and exponentially effect CPU per actor in the scene.

If Statements[ | ]

Statement Definition
No Condition This condition always succeeds.
AND This statement evaluates to true if both condition A and condition B are true
OR This statement evaluates to true if either condition A is true or condition B is true
Invert Bool Returns the inverted value of the specified bool
Match (string) Check if the first string matches the pattern with wildcards. Case insensitive
Actor Has Run Speed Checks if an actor has the specified run speed or not
Actor Has Status Condition Checks if an actor has the specified condition or not
Actor Is A Controlled Spirit or Drone Checks if an actor is a drone or spirit controlled by another actor
Actor is Jacked in Returns whether or not the given Actor is currently decking
Actor is Jacked in to Matrix Dimension Returns whether or not the given Actor is decking in a specific dimension
Actor is Player Controlled Returns whether or not the given Actor is controlled by the player
Actor is a Persona Returns whether or not the given Actors are a PC persona
Compare Actor Attribute Compares an Actor's Attribute to a number
Compare Actor Gender Checks whether an actor is of a particular gender
Compare Actor Race Checks whether an actor is of a particular metahuman race
Compare Actor Skill Compares an Actor's Skill to a number
Compare Actor Specialization Compares an Actor's Specialization to given Value
Compare Actor Team Checks whether an actor is on a particular team
Compare Hire-able Actor Attribute Guarantees the player hires at least one actor with a particular Attribute level
Compare Hire-able Actor Skill Guarantees the player hires at least one actor with a particular skill level
Compare Hire-able Actor Tag Guarantees the player hires at least one actor with or without a particular tag
Compare Hire-able Has Cyberdeck Checks whether anyone on a hire-able roster has a Cyberdeck
Compare Team Attribute Compare's a Team's Attribute to a number
Compare Team Skill Compare's a Team's Skill to a number
Compare Team Specialization Compares a Team's Specialization to a number
Comparison (Actor) Checks whether one Actor is the same as another
Comparison (Attribute) Checks whether one Attribute is the same as another
Comparison (Prop) Checks whether one Prop is the same as another
Comparison (Skill) Checks whether one Skill is the same as another
Comparison (Specialization) Checks whether one Specialization is the same as another
Comparison (bool) Compare two bools
Comparison (float) Compare two floats
Comparison (int) Compare two integers
Comparison (string) Compare two strings
Evaluate Actor Consciousness Checks whether the specified Actor is conscious or not
Evaluate Actor Cover Checks whether the specified Actor is in Cover or not
Evaluate Actor Has Visible Threats Checks if one set of Actors has visible threats from another set of Actors *
Evaluate Actor Threat Type to Actor Checks whether an Actor is of the specified threat type of another Actor
Evaluate Alarm State Checks whether the Alarm is activated or not
Evaluate Cover Between Actors Checks if one Actor has the specified amount of cover between them and another Actor
Evaluate Goal Checks the state of a specified Scene Goal
Evaluate if Actor Has Item Checks whether an Actor is carrying a particular item
Evaluate if Actor Has Item Holstered Checks whether an Actor is carrying a holstered item
Evaluate if Actor Has Temp Body Checks whether an Actor is using a temporary body
Evaluate if Actor is Decker Checks if an actor is a decker *
Evaluate if Actor is Downed Checks whether an Actor is downed and needs reviving
Evaluate if Actor is Inside Region Checks whether a list of Actors are inside a particular region or not
Evaluate if Stash Has Item Checks whether the particular item is stored in current stash
Evaluate if Team has Cyberdeck Checks whether anyone on a given team has a Cyberdeck
Evaluate Nuyen Checks whether Player has a specified amount of Nuyen
Evaluate Prop is Closed Door Checks whether the Prop is a door in an open or closed state
Evaluate Tag Pattern for Actor Checks whether an Actor has the specified tag pattern which uses ? or * wildcards
Evalaute Tag Pattern for Prop Checks whether a Prop has the specified tag pattern which uses ? or * wildcards
Evaluate Tag for Actor Checks whether an Actor has the specified Tag
Evaluate Tag for Prop Checks whether a Prop has the specified Tag
Evaluate Team Survival Percentage Checks the current percentage of a specified Team is dead
Evaluate Turn Mode DEPRECATED: Checks whether the game is currently in Turn-Based mode or Freemove mode
Evaluate Turn Mode in Dimension Checks whether the game is currently in Turn-Based mode or Freemove mode for a specific dimension
Get Dependent Story Variable (bool) Gets a variable from a dependent Story. Uses the default value if the variable can't be found
Get Region Enabled Returns the current Enabled state of the specified Region
Prop Can Be Interacted With Returns true if the chosen Prop can be interacted with or not

Do Statements[ | ]

AI Statements[ | ]

Statement Definition
Attack Actor With Weapon Cause one actor to attack another with their equipped weapon
Change Actor Attack Style Change an AI Actors attack style. No effect if not AI.
Change Actor Control Change whether an Actor is player or AI controlled
Change Actor Team Change which team an Actor is on
Clear Actor Orders Clears any manual order from an Actor.
Enforce Actor current Orders When enabled, further attempts to override orders will be ignored.
Enter or Exit Cover Cause an actor to enter or exit cover.
Order Actor to Call for help Orders an Actor to shout for help-
Order Actor to Clear Threat List Orders an Actor to clear all enemy friendly and targetable threats
Order Actor to Communicate Orders an Actor to send out the specified AI communication message
Order Actor to Face Direction Orders an Actor to face the specified direction.
Order Actor of Flee Orders an Actor to flee from combat
Order Actor to Hunt And Destroy (Team) Orders an Actor to directly pursue and destroy the specified Team+
Order Actor to Hunt And Destroy (Threat Type) Orders an Actor to directly pursue and destroy the specified threat type-
Order Actor to Interact with Object Orders an Actor to interact with the specified object
Order Actor to Move to (Point) Orders an Actor to move to a specified point+
Order Actor to move to (Actor) Orders an Actor to move to a specified target.
Order Actor to Move to (Prop) Orders an Actor to move to a specified target.+
Order Actor to Move to (Region) Orders an Actor to move to a specified Region+
Order Actor to Move to (ThreatType) Orders an Actor to move to the nearest Actor of the specified threat type-
Order Actor to Move to (Start Position) Orders an Actor to move to their default start position
Order Actor to Patrol Orders an Actor to follow the specified Patrol Route, or to cancel an existing route
Order Actor to Protect (Point) Orders an Actor to protect a specified point.+
Order Actor to Protect (Actor) Orders an Actor to protect a specified target.
Order Actor to Protect (Prop) Orders an Actor to protect a specified target.
Order Actor to Protect (Team) Orders an Actor to protect a specified target
Order Actor to Protect (Region) Orders an Actor to protect a specified target
Order Actor to Protect (ThreatType) Orders an Actor to protect the nearest Actor of the specified threat type-
Order Actor to Seek And Destroy (Team) Orders an Actor to search the map for and destroy the specified Team+
Order Actor to Seek And Destroy (ThreatType) Orders an Actor to search the map for and destroy the specified threat type-
Order Actor to Set Target Preference Orders an Actor to seek and destroy against the specified threat type
Order Actor to Set Priority Target Orders an Actor to target a specified Actor to the exclusion of all others
Order Actor to Set Target Preference Orders an Actor to seek and destroy against the specified threat type
Order Actor to be a Non Combatant Orders an Actor to stop participating in combat, other than to flee
Reload Weapon Cause an actor to reload their weapon
Set Actor Behavior Sets an Actor's behavior type-
Set Actor AI Script Sets an Actor's AI script (uses exact text from AI list)+
Set Item Priority Weight Any non-zero weight will force the AI to use this item first. All weighted items are sorted by weight. If used on non-AI this trigger is ignored
Set Team Alliance Sets one team to be neutral or an enemy in the affiliation list of another team

- - Indicates that AI using Gumbo script either ignore order or that the engine gives an error message
+ - Indicates a tested feature that Gumbo scrip correct interprets

Actor Statements[ | ]

Statement Definition
Add Actor Karma Adds the specified Karma of the given actors
Activate Actor Spawner By Tag Spawns all unspawned Actors with specific tag
Activate Actor Spawner Spawns an unspawned Actor
Add Tag to Actor Adds a given tag to the specified Actors
Add Item to Actor Adds the specified item to an Actor's inventory
Add Item to Team Adds the specified item to a Team's inventory
Apply Condition Status Effect to Actor Apply a Condition Status Effect to an Actor for the specified length of time
Apply Attribute Status Effect to Actor Apply an Attribute Status Effect to an Actor for the specified length of time
Apply Skill Status Effect to Actor Apply a Skill Status Effect to an Actor for the specified length of time
Apply Specialization Status Effect to Actor Apply a Specialization Status Effect to an Actor for the specified length of time
Cause Damage Cause the specified amount of HP or AP damage to the list of Actors
Cause Damage Over Time Cause the specified amount of HP or AP damage to the list of Actors over several rounds
Clear Persistent Dead Bodies Clears all persistent dead bodies from inside region
Clone Actor Clones an Actor at the given location
Detain Actor Removes an actor from the active actor list. Useful for mid-combat transitions.
Kill Actor Kills the specified Actor(s) with the specified method for the players
Open Store Screen From Actor Opens the Store Screen using the inventory of the owner
Open Cyberwear Screen From Actor Opens the Cyberware Screen using the inventory of the owner
Play Animation Makes an Actor play the specified animation, followed by idle
Play Animation From Manifest Makes an Actor play the specified animation from a manifest, followed by idle
Play Animation From Type Makes an Actor play the specified animation from type which tries to fallback, followed by idle
Remove Item from Actor Removes the specified item from an Actor's inventory
Remove Item from Actor by Item Type Removes all items that match a specific item type from an Actor's inventory
Remove Item from Team Removes the specified item from an Team's inventory
Remove Status Effect from Actor Removes a specific Status Effect from an Actor
Remove Tag from Actor Removes a tag from the specified Actors
Revert Actor Body Prefab Reverts all changed actor bodies to their original prefab
Set Actor Base Attribute Sets the specified Attribute of the given actors
Set Actor Base Skill Sets the specified Skill of the given actors
Set Actor Base Specialization Sets the specified Specialization of the given actors
Set Actor Body Prefab Changes body of target actors to a selected prefab
Set Actor Ignored by AI Sets whether or not the specified Actor is ignored by AI
Set Actor In Passive Mode Sets whether or not the specified Actor is Passive Mode
Set Actor Uninjurable Sets whether or not the specified Actor can be injured
Set Actor Unkillable Sets whether or not the specified Actor can be killed
Set Actor Vulnerability Sets whether or not the specified Actor is vulnerable to a certain action type
Set Actor Ignored by Camera Sets whether or not the specified Actors are ignored by camera (camera wont trace or focus on player)
Set Wander Range Sets a wander range for an actor. Only applies for passive mode
Set Actor Run Speed Sets an override run speed for the players
Set Animation State of Actor to Animation Modifier Sets the specified animation state of actor to use the specified animation modifier instead
Teleport Actor Moves an Actor to the given location with the specified method
Teleport Actor near Actor DEPRECIATED: Teleports an actor near another actor using the specified method
Teleport Actor With Fade Moves an Actor to the given location, fading out before moving and fading back in once done
Teleport Actor to Area Around Actor Teleports an actor near another actor using the specified method
Teleport Actor to Area Around Point Teleports an actor near a point using the specified method

Dialogue[ | ]

Statement Definition
Assign Conversation to Actor Sets a conversation on an Actor, and sets whether their interaction is enabled or not
Display Text over Actor Displays some text using the specified style over the target Actor
Display Text over Point Displays some text using the specified style over the target Point
Display Text at Screen Position Displays some text using the specified style at the specified screen point
Remove Screen Label Remove Screen Label with a specific name
Set Screen Label Set Screen Label with a specific name to be displayed in a stacked fashion with other labels with desired text
Set Screen Label Progress Bar(INT) Set Screen Label with a specific name to display progress of x of y with a description displayed in a stacked fashion with other labels
Start Conversation Starts a conversation between the active Actor and the specified one
Start Conversation Between Actors Starts a conversation between two specified actors

Gameplay Statements[ | ]

Statement Definition
Add Nuyen Adds the specified amount of Nuyen to Player
Add Item to Stash Adds the specified item to the equipment stash
Apply Camera Shake Makes the camera shake with an intensity X for Y seconds
Add Camera Point of Interest (Actors) Adds the specified target to the list of objects the camera will keep in view, for X seconds
Add Camera Point of Interest (Point) Adds the specified target to the list of objects the camera will keep in view, for X seconds
Clear Camera Points of Interest Clears the list of Points of Interest from the camera
Display Image In Popup Displays an image in a popup of a popup format
Display Image With Caption In Popup Displays an image with a caption in a popup of a popup format
Display Text In Popup Displays text in a popup of a popup format
Enable or Disable
Manual Turn Mode
DEPRECATED: Sets whether Manual Turn Mode is enabled when you're not in combat
Enable Manual Turn Mode in Dimension Sets whether Turn Mode is enforced regardless of combat in specified dimension
Enable or Disable
Team's Turn
Sets whether or not the specified Team takes a turn in the combat round for a specific dimension
End Current Actor Turn Ends the turn of the currently active Actor
End Current Team Round Ends the whole round for the currently active Actor's Team
Fade Camera Out Fades the camera out over the specified time, after delaying
Fade Camera In Fades the camera in over the specified time, after delaying
Interrupt Teams Movement Stops all moving players on team when they reach the next tile.  Has an optional wait for movement completion
Isolated Team Turn Stops the current round, forces the specific team to take a full turn, does not allow any team to take a turn until the round is complete
Modify Dimension Heat Modifies the Heat amount of the given scene Dimension
Play FX at Point Plays the specified FX script at the chosen position
Play FX on Actor Plays the specified FX script on the specified Actor
Play FX at Point with Target Point Plays the specified FX script at the chosen position, with the specified target
Play FX at Point with Target Actor Plays the specified FX script at the chosen position, with the specified target
Play Music Plays music and overwrites the automated camera region music from playing
Play Sound Plays sound
Remove Camera Point of Interest (Actors) Removes the specified target from the camera's list of points of interest
Remove Camera Point of Interest (Point) Removes the specified target from the camera's list of points of interest
Remove item from Stash Removes the specified item from the equipment stash
Remove Nuyen Removes the specified amount of Nuyen from Player
Set Alarm State Modifies the Heat amount of the given scene Dimension
Set Goal Status Sets the status of the specified Scene Goal
Suspend Team's Turn Suspends the specified team's turn for a given number of rounds before resuming with their previous AP state
Stop Music Stops triggered music and use automated camera region music
Stop Sound Stops Sound
Teleport Camera To Actor Teleports the camera to an actor. Do not use when there's active camera focus points - clear them first
Teleport Camera To Point Teleports the camera to an actor. Do not use when there's active camera focus points - clear them first

Prop Statements[ | ]

Statement Definition
Add Tag to Prop Adds a tag to the specified Prop
Clone Prop Clones a prop at the given location
Delete Prop Deletes the specified prop
Delete Props by Tag Deletes all props with tag within a radius, use Everywhere for entire map
Enable or Disable
Interactable Object
Sets whether the specified Interactable Object is enabled or not
Enable or Disable
Hack Indicator on Matrix Node Object
Enables the hack indicator for matrix on the matrix node and hacking object
Force-Use Interactable Prop (Basic) Manually uses the specified Interactable Object, with no Actor causing the interaction
Force-Use Interactable Object (with Actor) Manually uses the specified Interactable Object, as if the specified Actor had done it
Light Transition Adds a Light Script to the specified Interactable Point Light
Move Prop Sets a prop velocity, use 0 to stop
Remove Tag from Prop Removes a tag from the specified Prop
Set Hack Status on Matrix Node Object Sets the state of a matrix node interactable
Set Prop Visible Sets the visibility of a prop
Set Prop Visible by Tag Sets the visibility of a group of props with a tag within a radius

Region Statements[ | ]

Statement Definition
Adjust Region Size Sets the specified Region's X and Z dimensions
Attach Region to an Actor Attaches the specified Region to the chosen Actor
Detach Region Detaches the specified Region from any parent Actor that it's attached to
Move Region to Point Sets the specified Region's anchor point to the chosen position
Set Region Enabled Sets whether the specified Region is enabled or not
Set Region Color Sets the color of specified Region
Set Region Color and Visibility Sets the color and visibility of specified Region
Set Region Visible Sets whether the specified Region is visible or not

System Statements[ | ]

Statement Definition
Add To Variable (int) Simply adds a number to the specified (int) variable
Add To Variable (float) Simply adds a number to the specified (float) variable
Autosave Game Creates an auto save point in the story
End Story with Epilogue Immediately ends the game. Will display the epilogue, credits, and then return to the main menu.
Modify Constant Change the game constants by name with an int float or color
Open Character Creation Screen Opens the Character Creation for the story
Open Equip Screen Opens the Equip Screen for the story
Open Hiring Screen Opens the Hiring Screen for the scene
Open Scene Open the specified Scene
Send Event Sends out the specified Game Event
Send Event After Delay Sends out the specified Game Event, after an amount of real-world time has passed
Set Ambient Light Color Fades the scene's ambient light color over several seconds for the specified camera region
Set Directional Light Color Fades the scene's directional light color to a specified direction and color over several seconds for the specified camera region
Set Environmental Effect Amount Enable or disable environmental effects
Set Variable (int) Sets the value of a specified (int) Variable
Set Variable (float) Sets the value of a specified (float) Variable
Set Variable (bool) Sets the value of a specified (bool) Variable
Set Variable (string) Sets the value of a specified (string) Variable

Trigger Statements[ | ]

Statement Definition
Enable or Disable Trigger Sets whether a Trigger is Enabled or Disabled
Run Alternate Trigger Runs a specified trigger with or without condition checking
Run Alternate Trigger By Name Runs a trigger by name with or without condition checking
Set Retain Trigger Sets retain trigger to true or false
Set Retain Other Trigger Sets another triggers retain to true or false
Wait until Triggered Again Pauses execution and waits until one of the triggering events fires, then resumes from this point
Wait for Event Pauses execution and waits until the specified event fires, then resumes from this point
Wait for Rounds Pauses execution and waits until the specified number of rounds pass in the given dimension, then resumes from this point
Wait for Motion Pauses execution until motion stops, then resumes from this point
Wait for Triggers Pauses execution and moves to the end of the queue to allow other triggers to execute first

Waypoint Statements[ | ]

Statement Definition
Clear All Waypoints Clears all waypoints currently in the scene
Clear Waypoint from Actor Clears any waypoint set on the specified Actor
Clear Waypoint from Point Clears any waypoint set on the specified point
Clear Waypoint from Prop Clears any waypoint set on the specified point
Set Waypoint on Actor Sets a waypoint on the specified Actor
Set Waypoint on Point Sets a waypoint on the specified Point
Set Waypoint on Prop Sets a waypoint on the specified Prop

Notes[ | ]

  • * Triggers that are available in Hong Kong
  • ** Still available to use Pre-Hong Kong