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Mandatory objectives
  • Gain entry into the lab
  • Locate the experimental bioware
LocationSutterlin BioScience, Adenauerplatz
Rewards2+1 karma, variable nuyen (¥2,000 or 0)
New cyberware

Lockdown is an optional mission in Dragonfall. It is given by Dr. Xabier Ezkibel.

Synopsis[ | ]

The ride to the Adenauerplatz is a dismal one. Your only company on the train is an elderly dwarf in a ragged peacoat, and he spends most of his time muttering to himself. When the train rattles to a stop, he slowly rises from his perch and begins to hobble toward the doorway. The station itself isn't much different: an old, broken-down thing at the end of its useful life, feebly tottering toward obsolescence. This area of Berlin has clearly seen better days.

A window of light shines down from the surface, and even that looks stale. Slowly, you begin to climb. Xabier's bioware samples must be somewhere ahead.

Walkthrough[ | ]

  • The goal is to get inside the building and there are quite a few ways to accomplish this:
    • With Strength 6 you can force the hydraulics to open, while with 4 you simply pound on the door. If you have a team-mate with high strength, they will analyze the situation and point out that you need an alternate entry point.
    • If you are a decker or Blitz was taken along for the ride, you can jack in and start hacking. There are several IC programs floating around, but they shouldn't be a problem. Activate the CPU core to open Sutterlin.
    • Make your way through the sewers to get inside the building).
    • In Director's Cut, if you have a drone (or if you are a dwarf), you can push aside some rubbish to reveal a grille. Your drone can then explore the vents and short some wires.
    • In Director's Cut, you can dig through the dumpster and obtain a keycard. The nearby gang will notice this however; if you have Etiquette: Street or pay them $100 they'll back off, otherwise you may have to fight them.
  • Explore the building. In the inner hall (which is where you also emerge from the sewers) you can open the doors using keycards - or Decking 4. The one on the left leads into storage, with a pair of hostile hoverbots and another ground drone. You can also enter the office through the sewers.
  • Beyond the left wing hall lies a large door. Open it and you'll meet Philip Rex, the Knight-King of Sutterlin. You can inspect his domain - and learn just why he went crazy. The surveillance footage with the terrifying Slovakian TV series will be the most hilarious thing you'll see.
    • Quoth Eiger: "Please make it stop."
  • If Blitz is in your team (or you are a decker), after viewing the security videos, talking with Philip Rex will give you the option of undoing the quarantine and downloading the last episode of Philip's beloved show. This grants +1 karma.
  • With the B card in tow, open the B section in the sewer to look for Billy - or get back into the inner hall and open the B section door and enter the underground. There's a Bliss Injector schematic inside the safe.
  • Once you open the B door in the sewer, prepare to meet Billy. He's an albino basilisk - and not friendly at all. Pick the E keycard from his corpse. Three hellhounds also attack; one from his room, one from the room opposite his, and one from behind you. They have high avoidance.
  • Upstairs, plug into one of the terminals with Blitz or yourself in tow to lift the quarantine - and marvel at the ending to the show.
  • Inside the executive sector, simply walk in, pick up the samples, and walk out.
  • Surprise, Shiawase shows up and claims patent infringement. Instead of going to court, though, they want to resolve the situation the good old fashioned way: Violence.
    • If Philip Rex likes you, he will intervene and declare himself protector of the land. Four drones will appear and assist you in combat.
    • In Director's Cut, you can simply opt to bolt for the U-Bahn entrance.
  • Once your whole team reaches the U-Bahn, return to Ezkibel.
  • Your monetary reward from this run depends on how you handled The Sewers:
    • If you threatened Xabier, you'll not receive any payment.
    • If you paid for the ghouls' food or allow Xabier to use the ghouls for his dirty work, you'll receive ¥2,000.